April 11, 2020

14 Lawn Care Flyer Design Ideas and Tips

Flyers are a great method to increase your lawn and landscaping company's reach to existing and new clients. Get started today.

14 Lawn Care Flyer Design Ideas and Tips

Landscape design and architecture are artistic disciplines. Lawn care companies must have a finely tuned eye for aesthetics to become successful. This is because people take pride in their properties, which means that you need to have an impeccable eye if they’re going entrust them to you.

So, how do you prove that you’re the best choice? Well, it’s a no-brainer that you should showcase your previous work, business cards, and transport for your employees and equipment. But most importantly, the collateral you use to market your service, which entails a flyer.

Flyers come in handy when it comes to broadening your business’ reach. So, if your company doesn’t have flyers, then now is the time to change that if you hope to drum up business. And, if you are in the beginning stages, check out this article on how to start a lawn mowing company with little or no money.

Without further ado, we’ve rounded up some of the best ideas for lawn care flyers that will help steer your company in the right direction. Read on!

1. Green Is Your Friend

It’s not as obvious as it seems, which is why we couldn’t leave it unsaid. While some of the most effective landscape designer flyers have incorporated green, it’s safe to say that many have not. Green is a natural, earthy color that comes to mind when you think of the outdoors. This doesn’t mean that you flood your flyer with green. But what’s the harm in that?

If you feel it’s a bit much, then you can space out floral or other designs with green to convey an ideal balance between human influence and earthly wonder. You have free rein to incorporate green into your flyer. After all, the world is your oyster. Just ensure that this earthly color appears on your flyer. Doing so puts your prospects in the right headspace to receive your message before they even read what’s written on it.

2. Use a Myriad of Images

Landscape design screams art. So, whether you’re mowing an overgrown lawn, planting roses the Royal Gardens, or grooming an elementary school playground, you must showcase your lawn care business as an artistic entity. This encompasses using eye-catching photos or illustrations which could be images of flowers that tickle your fancy or snapshots of your previous work. They give your prospects something dazzling to look at when you hand over your flyer.

3. Conciseness Is Key

Factoring in the size and design of your lawn care company flyer, you’re restricted in terms of the space for written content. So, don’t overwhelm your prospects with an overload of information. The written content on your flyer should be as concise as it gets.

4. Organize Your Flyer into Digestible Sections

The appearance of your text directly impacts your reader’s interest. At first glance, big blocks of text are off-putting for your prospects. To avoid this, use white spacing, which is the area surrounding a specific design element. Moreover, break down your content into small sections, with each having a heading to make it pleasing to the eye.

5. Infographics and Bullet Points Are Your Go-To

Along with showcasing your lawn care content succinctly, summarize essential information about your business with Infographics and bullet points. This makes the information easier to grasp.

6. Remember to Include Directions

Adding directions holds true for offline and online businesses. Include directions to the physical address of your lawn care company or put your website address. Doing so means your flyer is useful to prospects as a future reference.

7. Include Your Contact Details

While this is a no-brainer, it’s often forgotten in a barrage of flyers you come across. Avoid falling into this bracket by including your contact details on your lawn care company flyer, preferably at the bottom for easy access.

8. Proofread Your Content

Finding flyers that have grammatical errors is off-putting, to say the least, and draws attention away from the actual information. It makes prospects skeptical about the quality of the services you offer. So, proofread your content to ensure it is flawless. Flyers with flawless content build confidence in your prospects that you’ll get the job done to their satisfaction.

9. Use Your Target Audience’s Language to Communicate

As is the case with all marketing strategies, your lawn care business flyers should tally with your target market. While this may not seem important, it’s highly dependent on your buyer persona. Nonetheless, using language that’s easy to grasp by your target audience is always a good practice.

10. Select the Ideal Paper Stock

Given that your lawn care company flyer is meant to be distributed to as many prospects as possible, use paper that’s thick, durable, and of excellent texture. Check out the various paper stocks that printing companies offer and choose wisely.

11. Apply Paper Coatings

In addition to paper thickness, the paper coatings of your lawn care company flyers enhance durability. Gloss and matte coatings layer on more protection for your flyer and make your design more vivid.

12. Account for Trim

Upon printing a batch of flyers, cutting each cannot be 100% accurate. Therefore, always leave at least a three-centimeter space between the flyer’s content and the edge to allow for accidental trims.

13. You Can Never Go Wrong With High-Resolution Photos

Jagged and blurry images are off-putting for readers. What’s worse is that they may equate low-resolution images to poor quality services and lack of attention to detail, which is crucial in the lawn care business. So, ensure your lawn care company flyers have crisp, clear images.

14. Use a Maximum of Three Font Choices

While you may think using an array of fonts makes your flyer more aesthetically pleasing to your prospects, it has the opposite effect. Limit your font choices to a maximum of three. And, ensure they’re easy to read even at an arm’s length.

The Bottom Line

In an age where people are bombarded by electronic and digital media, physical offers have a deeper appreciation by many, more so, because they’re becoming a rarity. Brochures, postcards, flyers, and the like are slowly becoming near oddities.

So, if you can get your well-crafted flyers (using the above tips) into the hands of as many prospects as possible, then you’ve made essential connections. This ultimately translates to increased profits. If you need flyer design ideas for your landscaping company, read this article.