Five Things You Need to Create an Eye-Catching Lawn Care Flyer

There are many forms of advertising that you can use, many of which are more modern and include the use of social media.

While modern forms of advertising are very beneficial to reaching more clientele, sometimes the old-fashion ways are still proven to be useful.

Flyers are the age-old way of marketing your lawn care company and though a bit outdated, they are still very to get your message out. Some lawn care business software also have marketing services you can use.

But how much success you get from using flyers will depend on how well you make your flyers and whether they are appealing to potential clients.

Below, we will be talking about the five things that you absolutely must include in your lawn care flyer in order to guarantee advertising success.

1) Eye-Catching Visuals

One way to make your flyer stand out immediately and catch a potential client’s eye is to have good visuals or graphics.

This should include bold lettering to break up the contents of your flyer and make it easier to skip to what they want to read. As well as a good photo on the front of your flyer.

This is not the time to Google a photo of a nicely manicured lawn, your photo needs to be professional but personable. A photo of you working on a lawn is the best kind of photo to include as it allows potential clients to see the person behind the company.

It also shows that you put more thought and effort into your flyer which people will appreciate.

Some basic rules are to make sure that the photo is clear, not blurry at all and that the lighting and colors pop to ensure that your flyer will stand out from the rest.

2) Your Company Name and Contact Information

This is by far the most basic pieces of information that your flyer must have, but you would be surprised at how easy it can be to forget the simplest of things.

Your flyers must have your company’s name as well as all of your contact information. You could also put in a nice, "how it works" section, to give customers a basic idea of what they are signing up for.

This includes your phone number and email address. If you have a website or social media platforms those would be good things to include as well.

3) Services You Offer and a Basic Price Range

Making a flyer without a detailed list of what services you offer as a lawn care company will have a negative impact on your flyer advertising.

People like to know as much information as possible upfront so try to give them just that so that they will be convinced of wanting to hire you before they ever get into contact.

Make sure the services that you offer are clear and in an easy to read style so that anyone can read them and understand what they mean.

It’s also important to include your price range.

You don’t have to make a complete list just a few pricing options to give potential clients an idea of what they will be paying you.

Specific pricing points will be decided later on when they contact you and hire you for a job.

4) Why They Should Hire Your Lawn Care Company

This is a section of flyers that many businesses tend to skip out on but adding it in can make all of the difference.

This section should be where you give a few brief reasons as to why someone should hire you and why your specific company stand out from the rest.

Maybe talk a bit about who you are and how your company came to be as well as the standards and values that you try to uphold.

You can use this section as a moment to toot your own horn but without coming off to strongly.

5) Call to Action

Any good flyer is going to end with an exciting call to action, which basically means that you’re telling the client what to do next if they want to hire your company.

Having a call to action lets your potential clients know what to do next in order to hire you or to learn more about the services that you offer.

Sometimes people need a bit of a nudge in the right direction and a call to action at the end of your flyer does just that.

There you have it, a cheat sheet to the perfect lawn care company flyer.

If you follow these steps and add these five things to your company flyers you are bound to find them as successful forms of marketing your services.

One way to keep track of whether they are working or not is to ask people where they heard of you so that you can know how popular your flyers have been.

If you want to create eye-catching flyers that represent your company in the most professional light, go make some of these flyers and watch as the clients come to you.

Click here to read the Spanish version of this article on how to create great flyers for your lawn mowing company.