How to Design a Lawn and Landscaping Website

Let’s face it. We’ve all seen ‘bad’ websites that consist of clunky graphics, poor font choices (too large or too small), and confusing services. On the opposite end of the spectrum are stunning websites that keep you intrigued about a company and make you curious to test out its professionalism.

There’s nothing more eye-catching to a potential customer than an attractive company website. By taking the time to plan, design, and develop a beautiful website, you’ll drum up business, which means increased profits.

Without further ado, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build a stunning lawn and landscaping website from scratch that’ll have you raking in the profits you once dreamed of. Read on!

1. Explain the Services You Offer

Simply saying that you offer lawn and landscaping services won’t cut it. Instead, providing comprehensive service information on your website goes a long way. So, this entails listing and describing the various tasks you can do or services you offer, in great detail.

Doing so is important, more so if you specialize in niche services like commercial and retaining walls, hardscaping, front and back yards, and add-on services. It’ll help you show potential customers that you can meet their needs which will give you a leg up in the Google search results.

2. Make Your Web Design Unique

A crucial part of your business is aesthetics, which means it should stand out from the pack. So, your lawn and landscaping website should have user-friendly features, animations, topnotch photos, and other unique aspects that will set it apart from the rest. A beautifully designed website shows potential customers that you’re an expert in your field.

3. Culminate High-Profile Exposure

To build high exposure, you can send excellent quality photos into the homes section of your local magazine or newspaper. If your company has been featured in a popular design or landscaping magazine, then ensure your potential clients are aware of it.

Include a section on your website that highlights any accolades or high-profile reviews you have under your belt. You can also share your projects on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to gain exposure.

In addition to having social media links and excellent photos of work you have completed, it's also important to list any lawn management software you use to improve efficiency.

4. Build Trust Right Off the Bat

The odds of new visitors leaving your website if it lacks trust indicators are high, which ultimately translates to reduced profits. So, to avoid this predicament, ensure your landscaping website is packed with vital information. This includes contact details, license numbers, employees’ names, education, certification, accolades, education, and the years in business. Doing so instills a lot of trust in your prospects as it proves legitimacy. These details should be in your website’s footer where they’re visible, along with a navigation bar.

5. Design Your Website with Your Target Market in Mind

If you have a particular target audience in mind, then ensure that your landscaping website is enchanting to them. The goal is to use before and after images and fonts that showcase your target market’s values and mirrors their lifestyle.

If you’re uncertain about your target audience, then analyze the locations you service the most, your invoice history, and the average cost of your services. Mirror these nuances on your site. Another good way to reach your target market is to create flyers for your lawn and landscaping business.

6. Market Low-Season Services

On your landscaping website, discuss the services you offer during the low-season. Doing so helps prospects get a clear picture of what you can do for them year-round, which compels them to pick you over your rivals in the business. Some examples of seasonal services are winter snow removal, yard cleanups during fall, pruning, garden, and lawn care.

7. Showcase Your Testimonials

In today’s digital era, reviews make or break a business. They’re a determining factor in whether or not a prospect hires you or your competitor. So, your landscaping website should feature your best testimonials or reviews so that prospects can see them and know what they’re getting into. And, include the reviews on your site’s homepage where they’re visible.

8. Build a Brand

Your brand ranges from your mission and core values to the fonts and colors. So, visually, your brand should be unique, easy to spot, and, most importantly, relevant to your business. Ensure that your website mirrors this so that your prospects see you as legitimate, professional, and relatable.

Sagenine–a leader in field service management software–has a logo and set of colors that set it apart from the pack while resonating with a younger, tech-savvy audience.

9. Communicate Your Values and Mission

Highlighting your company’s values and mission makes it stand out from the rest. Furthermore, it shows transparency which in turn creates a sense of trust with your clients. Granted, it’s easy to omit your company’s values and mission because you think they’re not important.

However, what you don’t realize is that excluding them from your landscaping website is a deal-breaker for a myriad of prospects. Most clients will pick you over your rivals in the business because they can resonate with you and want to be part of your mission.

10. Make Your Website Design Neat and Clean

There’s a fine line between having enough and excessive information that becomes overwhelming. Avoid cluttering your landscaping website as it makes crucial information hard to find, which repulses prospects.

The Bottom Line

Designing a landscaping website for your company isn’t a walk in the park. It requires a lot of time and effort that will ultimately pay off when customers start coming in droves. As a tip, take a glimpse of competitor sites in your area and come up with a list of your dislikes and likes of their website’s approach.

Based on this, see how you would tweak your site to get an edge in the market. But most importantly, keep in mind that your landscaping website is a vital tool to drum up business. So, ensure that your company information is as concise as it gets.

If designing and building a website is too much for you, another option is to have Sagenine do it for you. Sagenine has a special program when you sign up for lawn and landscaping management software–they will help you build a website if you sign up for a 6-month commitment.