May 25, 2020

How to Use Field Service Management Software Wisely

The best field service software helps employees and business owners create more profits by maximizing efficiency in the field.

How to Use Field Service Management Software Wisely

Field service management software is only useful if used wisely and correctly. Certain aspects of the software and its features need constant attention by managers in order to make any change in productivity and labor costs. Security can also be an issue if the wrong person has access to the managerial side of the software and the confidential documents in its storage.

It is up to both the manager and the employees to follow the recommended guidelines for the software and to use it wisely. Thorough training from a manager and employee access to help with the service management software is an excellent way to prevent problems.

Sometimes there is only so much a person can do to prevent a security break from happening; however, smaller mistakes and habits can change with proper knowledge and usage of the software.

Typically, it is the manager's job to keep on top of the employees about utilizing expensive software purchased for the company; so that manager should know how to use service management software wisely, to not pass on any incorrect or bad habits through improper training.

Keep reading to find out more about some tips for using service management software wisely.

What is Field Service Software

Field service software is any software application specifically designed and developed for companies that do the majority of their work out in the field.

Think: Lawn Mowing Companies; Snow Removal; Home Cleaning; HVAC; Plumbers; Appliance Repair companies; and so on.

These types of businesses have crews and technicians out in the field... running from account to account, servicing clients.

Control Access to Documents in the Software

Most field service management software comes with digital storage for blank forms, invoices, tax documents, and other important items that may need to be accessed for a client or for creating reports.

Field service management software does provide a certain level of protection, but it is up to the person overseeing the company’s use of the software to decide who has access to what.

Most documents needed for clients, like blank invoices, should have full access by the workers. Otherwise, managers are the only people who should have access to company tax documents, labor statistics, and other important information that must remain private.

Also, a client’s personal contact information can be in the software storage; that is just another reason why there should always be limitations on who has access to software data.

Double-Check Quotes Automatically Generated by the Software

Field service management software saves time for many reasons.

One of those reasons is the automation of job quotes for customers. Although calculating quotes by hand may be a more accurate estimate, automated quoting takes into factor every little detail that could change the quote, and it generally saves the employee time they can now spend on other parts of a project.

However, the employees should still double-check automated quotes to make sure everything looks correct.

If employees create a habit of checking the quotes before giving them to customers, there is less of a chance for errors to arise. And, the more accurate quotes give the client a good impression; it may be good enough to recommend the business to a friend.

Make Sure Each Crew and Technician Has the Mobile App Downloaded on Their Phone

The best general feature of service management software is the level of communication it provides between an employee and their project manager.

Make sure to take advantage of communication features in the mobile app version of the software. Have all workers download the application on their phone and teach them the techniques to using the software in a way that increases productivity and saves time.

Mobile communication, route optimization, and other mobile features can significantly increase productivity and improve labor costs, but it will not if employees use the app incorrectly and inconsistently.

As a manager, it could be a good idea to make the software download a requirement for all employees. Take the time to get together with a group of employees to walk them through the app and explain all the features that should be a part of every workday.

Utilize Mobile Checklists and Check-Ins

Create checklists in the mobile app of whichever service management software was chosen. These checklists can act as simple to-do lists for workers to follow, or they can be more complicated lists that require photo documentation, required fields to fill out, and note-taking with each item on the list.

The extent of mobile checklists depends entirely on the needs of a job and requirements set in place by the manager.

It is a great idea to utilize mobile checklists as much as possible. They keep the worker on task and help the manager keep up to date with what is going on in real-time.

Sagenine's field service management software mobile app manages the total time crews spend at each account. When crews reach a job, the clock starts. When a crew leaves the job, the clock stops. This feature is extremely valuable for a business owner, because they can gauge the productivity and efficiency of all their crews.

Set-Up and Customize the Software for Your Business

Buying field service management software is just the first step. Customization is the next.

Most kinds of service management software need several bits of input information regarding the business, and it will require someone (preferably someone in charge) to create a layout that works best for their business.

Typically, managers can choose what displays on the dashboard, which features to use, including any add-ons, reminders and notification settings to the manager, employee, and the client, and almost any changes that need to take place to make the software the most useful for a specific industry.

Every once in a while, update those settings and change anything that has not been working out for team members.


The most common reason why managers choose to buy service management software is that labor costs are hurting the business.

The center of the problem comes from the amount of time employees spend filling out paperwork, creating invoices, calculating quotes, and trying to find job sites.

Every single one of these time-consuming tasks can be automated or at least improved by service management software.

Learn the correct way to use service management software before handing it off to a team of employees. If they know the correct way to use the software and its features, everyone in the process will benefit.

Clients will also greatly appreciate the organization and accuracy of quotes. It never looks good for a business if an employee cannot find a customer’s information, did not provide a well-estimated quote, or the whole process just takes too long. Service management software helps almost any service industry.