Seven Ways to Market Your Lawn Care Business

So, you have started your lawn care company and business is good.

You have regular clientele, a decent work load each week, but your growth has slowed down a bit since initially starting your company. Now you want to start pulling in more potential clients.

In order to do that you will need to start aggressively tackling marketing and advertising outlets for your services.

Lawn maintenance is a competitive business and in order to stand out from the mass of other companies you need to put yourself out there in a number of different ways.

If you're new to marketing your company or you just need some new ideas, keep reading because below we will be discussing seven ways that you can market your lawn care company.

Posting Flyers

One of the oldest forms of advertising that is still very valuable to many businesses is flyer marketing.

Flyers are a great way to let people know that you are ready to be hired, as well as giving them all of the information that they need to go forward and hire you.

You can distribute flyers around neighborhoods and to your regular clients and can post them on community bulletin boards and bus stops.

You can also post them in stores at check-out counters and reception areas as long as you get permission from the owner.

Personalizing Your Lawn Business Work Truck

One way that you can kill two birds with one stone by coming across more professionally while marketing your company is by personalizing your work vehicle.

You can get it detailed with your company’s logo or if you really want to invest, get it wrapped so that it will catch people’s eye and advertise your company as being a serious competitor.

Doing this will make your company seem more professional and serious about what you do and will make you stand out from your lesser quality competitors.

Reach out to Local Businesses

One way of growing your regular clientele is by contacting the local businesses in your area that might be in need of lawn care services.

Businesses are less likely to contact you so it’s important that you don’t let that opportunity slip by not taking the first step.

Contact local businesses by email, phone call, or by showing up in person, offering your services.

You will look even more professional if you have a business card to hand out or a website to direct them to for more information on your company.

Contacting your local businesses towards the end of the year is also a good way to market your lawn care business in preparation for the upcoming year.

Since they will have time to fit your services into the new years budget, giving you a better chance at being hired.

Hand out Door Hangers

Door hangers are much like fliers except they come across more professional when you distribute them to people’s homes.

They cost a little more, but they can often be well worth the extra expense, especially if you are able to distribute them to several neighborhoods.

The best way to use door hangers is to target higher income neighborhoods with larger pieces of property that need plenty of maintenance.

The owners most likely don’t always have the time to take care of their lawn themselves, so even if they don’t become regular clients, they will at least know about your services.

Create Video Advertising

Creating a video might seem like a big step to take for someone who is used to doing sweaty, outdoor work and not being in front of a camera.

But creating a video can be useful in many ways when it comes to marketing your company and standing out from the crowd.

An advertising video for your lawn care company should look much like a commercial with a few action shots of you working, as well as talking about your company.

This video can be posted to social media, put on your website and Facebook page, and even sent in emails to local businesses.

A video for your company can be used in a number of ways and will show your potential clients how professional and dedicated you are to your company and trade.

Do Charitable Work

Offering your services for free might seem a bit counterintuitive but it can actually be a very good way of marketing yourself.

Doing charitable work will not only give potential clients a good opinion of your company, it will make you stand out from other competitors.

Offering lawn care services to your local churches, community gardens, and parks would be a good way to get out there and be seen.

It gives people an example of your work without having to hire you, giving you a better chance at landing clients that wouldn’t otherwise be interested in other forms of marketing.

Join Local Business Groups and Trade Associations

Another good way of putting yourself out there in a cost-effective way is to join local business groups and trade associations.

You can research what groups and associations are in your local area and use those to network and find potential clients.

Or at least, people who would happily pass on the word to people who are in need of lawn care services.

Entrepreneur and business networking events are great places to meet up with like-minded people and to form a feeling of community.

It gives you the chance to introduce your company to a large group of people and to get the word out there in ways that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Marketing your company is one of the most, if not the most, vital part of growing your business.

Skill and hard work will only get you so far before you have to start looking for your next clients and letting them know why they should hire you over someone else.

If you are diligent with marketing in the ways mentioned above, your lawn care company will grow and continue to draw in new clientele on a regular basis.

And will eventually, make you the top competitor in your local community.