February 7, 2020

Six Tools Every Lawn Care Company Needs

Starting up your own lawn care company really doesn’t require too much equipment and supplies if you are looking to start out with just the basics.

If you are looking to start your own lawn care company from scratch, there are several things that you will have to have without exception.

Your lawn care services can only be as good as your equipment, so it is important to invest in long term tools that you can depend on.

There are six specific tools that you must have in order to successfully start your lawn care company, all of which, will be discussed below.

1) A Reliable Truck

Possibly the most important thing that you need in order to start your lawn care company, is a truck.

You can have all of the equipment in the world, but it won’t do you any good if you can’t get to your client’s yards.

It’s also important to not just use any truck that you might already have or buy a run down one at a good price.

As a lawn care company, you will be driving all around throughout the week and you need a reliable truck to ensure that you and your equipment will get to the client’s yard on time and in one piece.

Eventually, as your company grows it would be beneficial to invest even further in an equipment trailer.

2) A Commercial Lawn Mower

One of the most basic services that you will most likely be offering your clients as a lawn care company, is cutting their grass.

Lawn mowers are known for being difficult to work with at times, which is why it is important to invest in a good quality one that is insured for any damage.

A lawn mower will be one of your most used pieces of equipment, so it should be one of your biggest purchases in the beginning of starting up your company.

Further on down the line, you could even invest in a riding lawn mower to decrease the effort and the time that you spend on each job.

3) Edger and Trimmer

Edgers and Trimmers are two very important pieces of equipment that you will need in order to provide your clients with the best quality of yard care.

They work in much the same way that a lawn mower does except for the fact that a trimmer is used to trim places that a lawn mower can’t reach, like around trees, garden decorations, and mailboxes.

An edger is used to cut the grass around driveways and sidewalks, providing a perfectly cut yard and professional looking yard.

4) Leaf Blower

Having a leaf blower in your collection of lawn care tools is essential as it helps you to properly clean up once you have completed a job.

It will help you to blow away grass and clippings and can even allow you to offer more work services to clients.

Especially seasonal work when everyone’s lawns are being covered by falling leaves.

5) Gardening Tools

Along with a few specific pieces of equipment are the basic gardening tool essentials that any lawn care company should have.

Such as cutting tools like pruners, hedging shears, and a pruning saw in order to cut back and groom hedges, bushes, and branches.

You will also need a few digging tools such as shaped shovels, spades, and a hoe for digging up roots and weeds and breaking up dirt.

A tape measure is also a good tool to have when the need to measure something comes up, as well as a sledgehammer if you need to drive something into the ground.

6) Safety Gear

Safety gear is extremely important when it comes to doing hands on jobs such as lawn care.

Many of these pieces of equipment are loud and can cause long term hearing problems if you do not purchase a heavy duty pare of headphones.

As well as sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun and to allow you to focus unhindered on your work, as well as few pairs of good quality gloves.

Having steel toed work boots are also incredibly handy to have and could protect your feet from accidents that could occur with dangerous lawn equipment.

As you can see, starting up your own lawn care company really doesn’t require too much equipment and supplies if you are looking to start out with just the basics.

Of course, as your business grows and you begin to take on more services and jobs, it would be smart to start investing in more equipment.

But, if you are just starting out and want to get the ball rolling before investing any further, then all you need are these six different kinds of equipment to get you started.

If you would like to learn more about starting a sweaty business, Sagenine has written a great article, click the link below to read it:
How to Start a Lawn Mowing Business With No Money